Book Review: Profiles in Reformed Spirituality


Alright, let me tell you about a series that we've brought in and just started to promote. I don't think too many people in Australia have seen this series, although it has been around a while in the US.

This is called "Profiles in Reformed Spirituality". These are great introductions to the actual writings of various people throughout Christian history. So we're talking people like John Flavel, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, David Brainard, William Perkins, Thomas Goodwin... those sorts of guys.

What the editors and authors of each of these books has done is they have taken... they give you a little biography at the start... and they've taken excerpts out of the works of these guys, so they're really short, getting to the point, punchy little chapters that are actually engaging with... actually showing you writings of these people.

So unlike other introductions to other great theologians where they might tell you what these theologians taught or what they thought, these books will actually get you into the writings themselves.

I read Jonathan Edwards' one recently and that looks at his letters and it's just... I feel like I know Jonathan Edwards a little bit more now that I have read that book.

So if you want to get to know these guys and you don't know where to start, these are a great place to start!

Buy Profiles in Reformed Spirituality.