Book Review: Labor with Hope (Gloria Furman)

Book Review by Shamira Eglinton

I am so excited about this book. There are so many books on how to mother, how to parent, how to grandparent. But when it came to pregnancy I couldn't find a book that would prepare me and help me spiritually with all the emotions and questions that would come alongside pregnancy and childbirth.

“Is it normal to feel this way? Why are pregnancy and childbirth the way they are? Why is it all so profound? So common? So elusive? So exhausting and scary? So thrilling and hopeful? What will we name the baby? How can two little lines on a pregnancy test evoke our emotions the way they do?”

Gloria Furman and Jesse Scheumann have done a wonderful job in giving new mums a biblical wordview on this topic and Gloria Furman as usual is so readable and relatable in the way she writes.


Labor with Hope: Gospel Meditations on Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood

Labor with Hope

Gospel Meditations on Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood

by Gloria Furman