BOOK REVIEW: How to Memorize Scripture

By James Jeffery

Scriptural Memorisation: My Story

During my late high school years, I dedicated significant time to memorising Scripture. I remember typing palm cards on, printing them, getting them laminated by my school librarian, and cutting them with an office guillotine. I stored these cards in a small cardboard box from a dollar store and recited them each week.

Memorising Scripture was one of the most rewarding and enjoyable disciplines I have undertaken as a believer. Even now, I continue to benefit from the time spent meditating on God's Word as a young Christian. Memorisation is like storing treasure in your heart for times of need. Like David, we can pray, "I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11).

Despite its benefits, I faced two challenges early on. First, many verses I memorised lacked context. Starting somewhere is essential, but this approach can neglect Scripture's full context. Second, life became busy, and I struggled to maintain this discipline. Marriage, children, work, and other responsibilities made Scripture memorisation seem unattainable. Davis's book renewed my commitment by reigniting my passion for God's Word.

A Guidebook for Scriptural Memorisation

Andrew Davis's How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books is a revised and improved version of his freely available booklet, ‘An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture.’ Davis presents a concise, compelling vision for Scripture memorisation, responding to common excuses and highlighting its immense benefits. 

At 47 pages, I managed to read through the entire booklet on the train to work this morning (the pages are also small which makes it an easy read). All chapters are around 4-5 pages long and cut straight to the point: Scripture memorisation is a non-negotiable discipline for all believers which promises an eternal yield!

My favourite aspect of How to Memorize Scripture for Life was how Davis showed how it is possible to remember entire books of the Bible. The prospect of memorising an entire book of the Bible is both daunting and exciting. There’s no question that if Christians memorised books of the Bible, we would become more responsible readers of Scripture by understanding passages in their rightful context. More than this, we would become more effective Christians, having a wealth of truth to share with others in our teaching, counselling, and fellowship. My ambition for the next six months is to try out Davis’s approach with the Book of Ephesians!

Bible Memorisation is Possible!

Davis walks readers through how he committed large swaths of Scripture to memory. He shows that while it is a discipline, it is not impossible. Committing to memorise Scripture, and setting the time aside to do it, is half the battle! 

Even for those who are in busy seasons of life – including those raising small children – Scripture memorisation is not only possible, but critical. God has given us everything we need in the Bible, and this is especially true when we are traversing the challenges of life in a busy and fallen world. 

When we store up God’s Word in our hearts, God gives us the ammunition to attack the evil one. He also refreshes our hearts and minds with the knowledge of the gospel. Knowing this, how can we turn down the opportunity to have the words of the Living God implanted, engraved, and impressed upon our hearts?

The book ends with two appendices. The first is a table listing the number of chapters and verses in each Biblical book. This is particularly helpful when discerning which book to memorise first. The second is an ‘Ephesians Memorisation Plan.’ It maps out a potential breakdown of Ephesians over a six-month period and what it may look like to memorise it. Both appendices are helpful tools which leave us with without excuse to memorise God’s Word! 

The Bottom Line

How to Memorize Scripture for Life reminded me of the joy it is to abide in the living words of Christ (John 15:7). If you are a new Christian, this book is for you. Store God’s Word up while you are young, and while the zeal and passion for God’s truth are raw. While we will all have regrets in the future, memorising God’s Word will not be one of them. 

If you have been a Christian for years, this book is also for you. It reinstates the importance of God’s Word, and the transformative impact memorisation can have. Buy a copy and read it with a friend, keeping each other accountable with your commitment to memorise Scripture. Most of all, memorise the Bible so that you may more fully treasure Jesus Christ, the gracious Saviour to whom all Scripture