Book Review : Growing Together


By Renee Emerson

Women mentoring women within the church is often a very neglected area – but it is absolutely essential for us to thrive in our faith, relationship with God, and one another.

“Growing together in Christ-centered relationships fosters a more intimate relationship with Jesus for both the younger and older woman” (p12).

Why then, is this essential task so neglected? Often younger Christian women desperately need spiritual guidance as they seek to navigate the Christian life, walking through their battles well and growing in their relationship with God. There is a hope that an older woman in the faith may be able to provide some guidance, wisdom, advice, hope for healing, and overall, ease the burdens of the younger woman as life is shared. Yet, older women can be reluctant. The hesitancy often stems from fear – “what exactly does she want from me?”, “I cannot possibly lead another after my many failures”, or “I have no time” – making these deeper relationships near impossible.

Melissa B Kruger’s book is very timely. She gives us the perfect hands-on tools and support to encourage women to go deeper, to move past the small talk and to enter into those much-needed life-giving relationships. This book is not just about what a biblical mentor is, but it is a practical “how-to” guide for growing together as we journey together in a community. It is packed with incredible wisdom for living the Christian life well.

Do yourself and your Christian sisterhood a favour by reading this book, implementing it, and applying the knowledge from your head to your heart and then into action. Seek a mentor and seek to mentor another, ultimately growing and thriving together!

We were designed to live in deep and intentional relationships with our sisters-in-Christ. This book will help encourage you and guide you. You will see the fruit as your relationships with both God and your sisterhood blossom.



This post is a snippet from from Renee's blog 'Blossoming Through Books'