Book Review : A place to belong


By Renee Emerson

‘A Place to Belong’ is a theologically rich love letter and testimony to the church’s beauty, value, and essential nature as heaven’s outpost. The church is beautiful and necessary because the church is not just a building but “the people of God, the dwelling place of the Spirit, and the fullness of Christ.”

Megan delves into nine biblical terms for the body of Christ, enlightening us and demonstrating how the church is where we all belong;

•          Beloved: Loving the People God Loves

•          Called: Our One Testimony

•          Church: We Gather to Worship

•          Flock: Receiving Care from Our Shepherd

•          Body: No Unimportant Parts

•          Saints: Holiness Is a Community Project

•          Brothers and Sisters: Members of the Family

•          Gospel Partners: We Have Work to Do

•          Multitude: Part of Something Bigger


This post is a snippet from from Renee's blog 'Blossoming Through Books'