Leading Little Ones to God: A child's book of Bible teachings

Marian M. Schoolland | Banner of Truth

  • $26.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Reading this for a second time to my 5 children aged 18 months to 11 years. It is very informative and teaches deep truth in a simple well presented manner for children. I also as a mother learnt a lot too. Would highly recommend...my children keep interrupting me with questions about the readings which is such a blessing. Teaches them about God and how we should view him and ourselves in the light of his glory and holiness

Cynthia Anbunathan
Good as gold

A book we have used a couple of times in our evening family devotions. The first time we used it was when my older daughter was 4 years old. This doctrinal and devotional book has helped us teach our little one the things that she and we ought to know about our Creator God. Neatly crafted with lessons that are systematically and thematically arranged in different sections, the author has used very simple and realistic illustrations. The questions at the end of each chapter have helped us have meaningful conversations with our daughter. Memory verses, Bible passages prove the authenticity of the words. There is a meaningful song to sing (we sometimes substituted with songs we knew well) and finishing with a prayer for each lesson to be applied in our lives. Highly recommend to parents of young children.